Semester System of Gauhati University

The Gauhati University introduces semester system in all undergraduate courses from the academic session 2011-2012 as per UGCs guideline. Accordingly, a TDC course consists of six semesters covering three calendar years. The schedule for the semester system is as follows:
A student’s performance shall be monitored by the teachers throughout the semester by continuous assessment in the written and practical works. Evaluation in each written and practical paper will be as follows:
Internal evaluation shall be based on sessional examinations, home assignments, seminars, library works in each semester, while External Evaluation shall be through a final examination at the end of the semester. The pass marks on each written paper is 30% and in each practical paper is 40%. Students must secure pass mark in both internal and external evaluation test separately.
Students are advised to collect the academic calendar and class routine from the college office.